27 people were injured in a collision between a bus and a truck in Dubai

27 people were injured, ranging from simple to medium, as a result of a collision between a heavy bus and a truck in the Techno Park area of ​​Jebel Ali Industrial City.

The Director of the General Traffic Department at Dubai Police, Brigadier General Saif Muhair Saeed Al Mazrouei, said that the Department of Command and Control Center in the General Department of Operations received a report at around 8:30 this morning, stating that a collision had occurred between a heavy bus and a truck in the Techno Park area of ​​Jebel Ali Industrial City.

He added that upon receiving the report, the delegates of the Inspection Experts Department moved from the Traffic Accidents Department to the scene of the accident to inspect it and collect evidence to find out the reasons that led to its occurrence, while the traffic patrols organized traffic and traffic, secured the scene of the accident, and facilitated the arrival of ambulances and rescue vehicles to the scene to carry out In its duties, the necessary measures were taken urgently, and the injured were transferred to Rashid Hospital to provide them with the necessary treatment.

He explained that, based on the inspection, it was found that the accident occurred as a result of not leaving a sufficient distance between the truck and the bus, which caused a strong collision and resulted in a large number of injuries that ranged from 4 moderate cases to 23 minor injuries.

 Al-Mazrouei called on motorists and road users to take precautions and adhere to the speed limit, and to leave a sufficient distance between vehicles, in addition to taking into account road conditions and not being distracted while driving the vehicle.

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