<Anchor> The

World Health Organization predicted that even if the WHO was vaccinated with the corona vaccine, it would be difficult to develop collective immunity this year.

British Prime Minister Johnson said 2.4 million people have been vaccinated, but he is still at risk.

Reporter Kim A-young reports.

<Reporter> The

UK has opened 7 large vaccine centers, accelerating vaccination.

Boris John said the British Prime Minister said 2.4 million people had been vaccinated against Corona 19, but that they should not be satisfied and will add restrictions if necessary.

[Boris Johnson/British Prime Minister: It's a fight against time.

This is because the

NHS (National Health Service) faces threats such

as the

burden of

intensive care units and oxygen beds

.] In the

UK, 40% of people in their 80s and 23% of people in nursing homes have a high risk of COVID-19 death. That's right.

British health officials have appealed that although the number of vaccinations in the UK is higher than the total number in Europe, the corona19 situation is still dangerous and cannot be alert.

The WHO and the World Health Organization thought it would be difficult to develop mass immunity within this year, despite the continued vaccination.

[Sumya Swaminatan/WHO Chief Scientist: Even if vaccines begin to protect the most vulnerable, we will not achieve any level of population immunity or population immunity in 2021.]

Even if group immunity occurs in some countries, it cannot reach everyone in the world, so quarantine rules such as social distancing and wearing masks must be kept.

In the midst of this, Pfizer announced that it will increase its production target for the Corona 19 vaccine this year by 54%, producing 2 billion doses.