(Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia) More than 2.65 million confirmed cases in France officially pledge to speed up new crown vaccination

  China News Agency, Paris, January 3 (Reporter Li Yang) On the 3rd local time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in France exceeded 2.65 million.

French officials promised to speed up the new crown vaccination rate on the same day to avoid "unnecessary delays."

  According to official epidemic data released that night, France added 12,489 new confirmed cases on the 3rd, and the total number of confirmed cases exceeded 2.65 million, reaching 2,655,728.

The number of deaths from new coronary pneumonia in France is 65037, with 116 new deaths.

There are 24,813 hospitalized patients with the new crown in France, of which 2,674 are severely ill.

  Salomon, the director of the French Health Administration, warned on the 3rd that the development trend of the French epidemic data is "already worrying". The virus infection rate has risen again after a period of relative stability, and the number of hospitalized patients remains high. Level.

He called on the public to be more vigilant about the epidemic after the Christmas and New Year holidays.

  French government spokesman Atar said that the vaccination rate will be accelerated.

He said that the vaccination will start at the test site selected in each region, and then will be extended to all nursing homes from mid-January; medical staff over 50 will also be vaccinated immediately.

He revealed that the relevant vaccination plan has been one month earlier than the original plan.

  The slow pace of French vaccination has sparked criticism from President Macron.

Macron has stated that this "unnecessary delay" should not continue.

The Sunday newspaper disclosed on the 3rd that Macron's request for slow vaccination "must be changed quickly."

  According to data from the French epidemic tracking website, since France started vaccination on December 27 last year, only more than 500 people have been vaccinated, and the vaccination rate has lagged far behind the United Kingdom, Germany and other countries.

French Prime Minister Castel once stated that he plans to vaccinate 1 million people by the end of January. Data analysis shows that France needs to vaccinate 30,000 people every day to achieve the relevant goal.

  The French immunologist Alain Fischer is responsible for coordinating the vaccination strategy. The committee he leads will submit a report to the government within a few days, explaining the logistical procedures for speeding up vaccination.

"Sunday" revealed that French pharmacies may directly provide on-site vaccination.
