While the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer confirmed that the students would return to school on Monday, for the start of the school year, some unions and parents of students remain worried about the consequences of the return of these thousands of children and adolescents on the coronavirus epidemic.  

Should we fear an explosion in the number of contaminations due to the start of the school year?

Many parents but also several unions are worried about the risk of a rebound in the coronavirus epidemic which would be favored by the return of thousands of students in schools.

Sunday, on BFM-TV, the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer assured that the children would go to school "as planned", while opening the door to adjustments on a case-by-case basis.

Guest of Europe 1, Jean-Rémi Girard, president of the National Union of High Schools and Colleges (SNALC), regrets the lack of anticipation of the executive. 

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"We want there to be possible adjustments, but we must anticipate them," annoys the unionist.

"We never anticipate anything".

And to continue: "We are told: 'If something happens, we will see, we will make adjustments'. But which ones?"


"We have to be able to prepare for it"

"We are in schools, colleges, high schools, it is organizations, timetables, thousands of students, we must be able to prepare for it. We must not be discovered as was the case for the adjustments in high school last November, where it was done in a hurry ", says the guest from Europe 1 again." We want there to be things put in place. place, but we must tell us which ones, that the school leaders prepare for it with their teams ".  


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On BFM-TV, Jean-Michel Blanquer also wished that teachers could be vaccinated as quickly as possible "in March at the latest, if we manage to do it before that would be good".

Asked about this subject, Jean-Rémi Girard believes that "there are a lot of staff who want to be vaccinated", and that "they absolutely must be able to do it as quickly as possible".