US Texas lawsuit rejected, Trump continues to question election results

  On December 13, local time, President Trump hinted in an interview that even if the Electoral College will vote in most state assemblies on the 14th, he will continue to question and challenge the results of the 2020 presidential election.

  In an interview with the American right-wing media Fox News broadcast on the morning of the 13th, Trump repeated allegations about election fraud and said that although the Supreme Court rejected the initiative by the Texas Attorney General, it aimed to overthrow The election results are litigated, but his legal team will continue to challenge the election results.

  Trump said: "No, this is not over yet. We will continue to move forward. We have evidence in many places. In those states that were manipulated, we actually won votes in those places. We won Pennsylvania, we won. In Michigan, we won Georgia."

  According to current statistics, Trump lost the votes to Biden in the above-mentioned swing states. Biden won the presidential election with 306 electoral votes against Trump's 232 votes.

This electoral vote happened to be the number of votes Trump won in the 2016 election.

  When the reporter pointed out, the Electoral College will hold a meeting on the 14th to transfer the votes to the Congress, and the Congress will formally count the votes on January 6.

When asked how this process affects his chances of successfully challenging the election results, Trump said: "I don't know, we will do our best to speed up, but the pace can only be this way. They give us very little time."

  Public opinion polls show that many Republican voters have doubts about the legitimacy of the 2020 election, and some analysts worry that Trump’s refusal to recognize the election results will further divide the United States.

(CCTV reporter Xu Dezhi)