This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Health of the Republic.

“Today (December 11 - 


), another 1,579 new cases of coronavirus infection were registered in Moldova ... The total number of people diagnosed with coronavirus has reached 124,264,” the ministry said.

It is specified that a total of 106,471 people have been cured of coronavirus infection in the country, 2,521 patients with COVID-19 have died.

Earlier, Moldovan leader Igor Dodon expressed his readiness to be among the first to be vaccinated after receiving the Russian vaccine against the coronavirus infection COVID-19.

On October 14, State Duma deputy of the III-V convocations, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Scientist of Russia Sergei Kolesnikov, in an interview with FAN, recalled the features of COVID-19.