
Stuttgart / Berlin (dpa) - The Baden-Württemberg trade association has warned of the possible devastating consequences of a corona lockdown for businesses in cities before Christmas.

"Should it come to business closings, we fear not only for the Christmas business, but for the survival of the entire fashion industry, and even for entire city centers," said General Manager Sabine Hagmann of the dpa in Stuttgart.

"In this case, we expect financial compensation for the lost sales of the companies concerned on the basis that was also granted to the catering trade."

Due to the persistently high number of infections, the National Science Academy Leopoldina had called for a drastic tightening of the corona restrictions from next week.

In such a "hard lockdown", all shops except those for daily needs with food, medicines and other necessary goods should close.

In Baden-Württemberg, too, the green-black government is pushing for social and economic life to be shut down - but only after the holidays.

However, should the corona numbers continue to rise sharply, an earlier start cannot be ruled out.

Hagmann said: “We can basically understand the considerations of breaking the corona wave with drastic measures.

We therefore fully understand the country's hotspot strategy, which was only adopted in the country on Friday. "

This already means very drastic interventions with consequences for retailers, which are already battered.

"This strategy must now actually be given space so that it can work," demanded Hagmann.


It does not make sense at the moment that further restrictions are already being discussed.

“The retail sector has developed and implemented extensive hygiene concepts in its stores.

The infection rate among sales staff is demonstrably well below average.

We are not aware of any infections in retail. "