Pfizer applies for emergency use of the vaccine in the United States

Pfizer said that it will submit a request to the relevant health authorities in the United States, tonight, to approve the emergency use of the Covid-19 vaccine, which is the first such request in a major step towards providing protection from the emerging corona virus.

The application to the US Food and Drug Administration comes days after Pfizer and its German partner Biontech announced the results of the final trials, which showed that the vaccine is effective in preventing Covid-19 by 95 percent without any safety concerns.

Shares of Pfizer rose by 1.6 percent and shares of Biontech rose by 6 percent after news of the possibility of a vaccine becoming available soon, which boosted hopes of ending a pandemic that has killed more than a quarter of a million people in the United States and more than 1.3 million around the world.

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