“We are glad that other members of the Minsk Group (USA and France. -


), who did not directly participate in the development of paragraphs of the statement, albeit belatedly, but nevertheless also expressed their attitude, a positive attitude towards the text of the statement," he is quoted by the Azerbaijan State News Agency.

According to him, Baku "had the right to expect a more prompt reaction from these countries" to the joint statement of the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia. 

Earlier, at a meeting with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Aliyev called the trilateral agreement on Nagorno-Karabakh "a point in a long-term confrontation."

He also expressed gratitude to Russian President Vladimir Putin for his active participation in the preparation of this document.

Pashinyan, in turn, stated that the agreement made it possible to preserve what Karabakh could not have held.