Paris (AFP)

The health crisis weighed on radio audiences during the start of the school year, but France Inter is doing well and is holding on to RTL, while franceinfo, in great shape, is approaching the podium, according to figures released Thursday by Médiamétrie.

Over the September-October period, the radio stations as a whole gathered a little less than 41 million listeners, a loss of around 620,000 people compared to a year earlier, the consequence in particular of the development of teleworking which weighs on listening on the move, whether in the car or on public transport.

On this front, the situation is however less degraded than in the spring, when the first confinement had weighed more heavily on the habits of listeners.

In this re-entry shaken by the Covid-19, France Inter has a cumulative audience of 12.5%, up 0.8 points over one year, and retains its rank of the most listened to station in the country obtained in 2019, ahead of RTL (-0.3 point to 11.1%).

Despite everything, the general-interest station of the M6 ​​group achieved its second best historic return in audience share (PDA), at 12.7% (+0.1 point), even if its public rival also posted a higher score (13 , 3%).

NRJ remains third but also suffers with a cumulative audience down 0.5 point to 9.2%.

It is followed by franceinfo, which, driven by very busy news, posted the strongest growth over one year (+0.9 point to 8.8%).

RMC, who made a big bet at the start of the school year by replacing the star presenter of his morning show Jean-Jacques Bourdin by Apolline de Malherbe, has not yet reaped the benefits and yields 0.7 point of cumulative audience to 6.1 %, caught up by France Bleu (+0.3 point to 6.3%), while Europe 1 lost 0.3 point to 4.9%.

France Culture, which has been growing steadily since several Médiamétrie publications, is also doing well (+0.1 points to 3%).

These audiences were measured by Médiamétrie from August 31 to November 1, with 29,710 people aged 13 and over.

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