Parents' protest against DAD in Naples: empty benches in Piazza Plebiscito

  • Naples, empty benches in the square against the DAD.

    The protest of the parents


November 19, 2020

The regional ordinance on schools in Campania is legitimate.

This is what the Regional Crisis Unit has announced.

With two decrees, the Campanian TAR has, in fact, rejected the appeals of some groups of parents against the latest regional provision with which, starting from November 24, the gradual resumption of teaching activities in presence in the schools of the childhood and first grade, after screening on teaching and non-teaching staff and on children and their families.

The parents asked for total recovery in presence.

The Court affirmed the legitimacy of the contested Ordinance, taking into account that the same, in the context of persistent health emergency - increasingly aggravated for the Campania Region, pending inserted in the cd.

"Red zone" - intends to correspond precisely to the needs expressed by parents, also in the interest of minor children, for rapid resumption of activities "in presence" and identifies, for this purpose, a path necessarily characterized by graduality and prudence, accompanied by further preordained precautionary measures (voluntary preventive screening on hopefully a large number of teaching and non-teaching staff employed in the school, monitoring and subsequent evaluation of data relating to the trend of the epidemiological curve).

The regional provision reconciles with balance and reasonableness - according to what was found by the TAR - the priority nature of the citizens' right to health with the needs represented by the applicants.