China News Service, November 18th. According to a report by the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) on the 18th, recent statistics released by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan show that in 2019, child consultation agencies across Japan handled over 190,000 child abuse cases. , This figure hit the highest value since statistics.

Among these cases, the number of "psychological abuse" is the largest.

  According to reports, the main responsibility of child counseling centers throughout Japan is to handle abuse cases against children under the age of 18.

The number of processed cases in 2019 was 193,780, an increase of 33,942 cases from 2018, an increase of 21.2%, the highest value since statistics.

  According to reports, the perpetrators of these cases are basically guardians such as the parents of the children.

In terms of specific abuses, "psychological abuse" such as scolding and domestic violence in front of children accounted for the highest proportion, reaching 56.3%; "physical abuse", which directly inflicted violence on children, ranked second, accounting for 25.4%; in addition, "Neglect" (17.2%) and "sexual abuse" (1.1%) ranked third and fourth respectively.

  In this regard, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare stated that it will further strengthen the role of children’s counselling centers and "will put the protection of children’s lives at the top priority."