Dominic Raab: Biden will not find a "closer ally" than London

British Prime Minister: America is our closest and most important ally

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said yesterday that the United States is Britain's closest and most important ally, and added that London and Washington can reach an understanding regarding trade, despite Washington's strict position in the negotiations.

He added to reporters, "But regarding the trade agreement with the United States, I am a good student of American trade policy, and they are strong negotiators."

He continued, "I never believed that this would be a completely easy task in the era of any American administration. I think there is a good chance for us to do something."

Prime Minister Boris Johnson - whom US President Donald Trump once fondly described as "the Trump of Britain" - congratulated Biden, the day before yesterday, on winning the election, saying he looked forward "to working closely together on our common priorities."

For his part, British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said yesterday that the US president-elect, Joe Biden, will not have a close or reliable ally like Britain, and expressed his confidence in the continuing "special relationship" between the two countries.

Raab told Sky News: "I strongly trust the existence of strong foundations of interests and values ​​that bind us tightly on issues, from climate change to cooperation to combat the Corona virus and combat terrorism. Biden will not find an ally that is more reliable or reliable than Britain." .

Former Finance Minister Sajid Javid also expressed a similar opinion, describing the election result as "the best" for Britain, and expected Johnson to have a much better chance to conclude a trade agreement with Washington under Biden, compared to Trump's "protectionist" policy.

Johnson: I am a good student of American trade policy.

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