An 11-year-old boy has suffered an attack by a classmate in


(Murcia) who has forced his surgical intervention at the

Santa Lucía


due to a broken nasal septum, for which the Isaac Peral High School has opened a disciplinary record of the aggressor.

As sources from the


Ministry of Education

have informed Efe

, the events occurred outside the center without any teacher witnessing it, although the conflict began within the institute with an exchange of insults.

The sister of the attacked, whose family has reported the facts to the police at the police station, has declared to the Murcian regional public television that "he often called him a fagot and he got involved with him for that", until last Monday the aggressor " he punched him unconscious "and now his brother" is very sad and devastated and wonders: 'Why me?' "


Murcian Educational


does not have any complaint from the student or his family or the center that led to the activation of the protocol against bullying, although a previous insult was followed up that was a specific event, they indicate from the center.

They are two students from two different classes who come from different educational centers and who have coincided for the first time this year in the first year of secondary school in

Isaac Peral

, where a mother of another student has started a collection of signatures for the expulsion of 15 days the center of the aggressor is final, according to the sister of the victim.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Murcia

  • Bullying

  • Violence

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