As the hours go by, the Democratic candidate for the US presidential election is getting closer and closer to the 270 electorate voters essential to his final victory.

Opposite, Donald Trump is increasing the recourse, but seems resigned to the dynamics of his opponent.


With exceptional participation, exceptionally long counting in the United States.

The presidential election has still not found an official winner.

Wednesday morning, it was Donald Trump who seemed able to win.

But 24 hours later, a spectacular turnaround, since it is his Joe Biden who is at the gates of the White House.

The Democratic candidate has 264 voters, when it takes 270 to win.

On Wednesday, Joe Biden, to whom the AP agency, which refers, attributes Arizona and its 11 major voters, won two major victories in Michigan and Wisconsin, which Donald Trump had won in 2016 and in which the outgoing president was nevertheless the race in front.

These two states illustrate the change in trend that has taken place over the hours.

Republican red mirage has given way to democratic blue reality

Because gradually, the Republican red mirage of Wednesday gave way to the democratic blue reality.

Yesterday, millions of postal votes, overwhelmingly Democrats, were missing.

And as they were added throughout the day, the gaps that seemed huge in favor of Donald Trump gradually narrowed, so Joe Biden ended up overtaking him without Michigan and Wisconsin. .

Another striking example: Georgia, 24 hours ago, gave Donald Trump 370,000 votes in advance.

Thursday morning, the gap was only 37,000 votes, a division by 10!

The southern state should be the next to announce its result.

If Biden passes Trump in Georgia, the game is over.

Along with Arizona, he will become the 46th President of the United States.

Otherwise, he still has Nevada and Pennsylvania, which have not finished counting.

One of the two states is sufficient.

The dynamic is therefore clearly on the side of Joe Biden.

Trump resigned?

Aware of this situation, Donald Trump and his team announce legal remedies.

They are asking for a recount of the votes in Wisconsin, which was won by 20,000 votes by Joe Biden.

The Trump camp has also filed appeals to simply stop the count in Pennsylvania and Georgia.

The argument is that these ballots come out of nowhere and are illegal, which even figures in the Republican Party refute.

Our lawyers have asked for “meaningful access”, but what good does that do?

The damage has already been done to the integrity of our system, and to the Presidential Election itself.

This is what should be discussed!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2020

Donald Trump sent an unusually resigned tweet overnight, talking about his armies of lawyers.

"What good? The damage is already done," wrote the (still) American president.