The presidential election in the United States will it change something in the DRC?

Félix Tshisekedi in November 2019. A relative of the president said he had been assured that Washington's line with regard to the DRC would not change.

Sumy Sadurni / AFP

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2 min

Will the US presidential election change anything in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, a country where the Trump administration provided significant support to the new Congolese head of state against his predecessor?


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With our correspondent in Kinshasa,

Sonia Rolley

As for the presidency, we displayed full confidence yesterday, Tuesday, November 2.

Joe Biden or Donald Trump ... a relative of Felix Tshisekedi says he is following this election like everyone else, but having had the assurances that Washington's line with regard to the DRC would not change.

Resumption of military cooperation

Just before the elections, military cooperation resumed between the two countries.

For two years, the American ambassador Mike Hammer has not stopped declaring that Félix Tshisekedi is the change expected by the Congolese, even if the same administration had long defended the truth of the ballot boxes which gave his rival Martin Fayulu the winner.

But now, if there is one line shared by the last American presidents, both Republican and Democrat, it is to have a hard position with regard to the former head of state, Joseph Kabila.

Parliamentarians from both parties demanded sanctions against his relatives and associates.

The former head of state had however tried to approach the administration of Donald Trump.

Lobbyists very close to the Republican president had even been hired to try to soften Washington's position.

Even though Joseph Kabila had not yet chosen a dolphin.

Arm wrestling

But this election in full arm wrestling between Felix Tshisekedi and Joseph Kabila, even as the new president consults for, he explains himself, to free himself from an agreement which prevents him from being able to pass his reforms, fears a little excitement on both sides.

Both the Trump administration has supported President Tshisekedi.


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  • DRC

  • United States

  • Felix Tshisekedi