New Corona Infected 41.22 million people in the world 1.13 million dead (3:00 pm on 22nd) 16:09 on October 22

According to a summary by Johns Hopkins University in the United States, the number of people confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus was 41,228,181 worldwide as of 3:00 pm on the 22nd of Japan time.

In addition, 1,131,339 people have died.

Countries with many infected people

The infected person is most often the

▽ 833 Man 6282 people in the United States


▽ India is 7,706,946 people

▽ Brazil 5,298,772 people

▽ Russia is 1,438,219 people

is ▽ Argentina is 1,037,325 people.

Country with many dead

The deceased person is most often also

▽ 22 Man 2201 people in the United States


▽ Brazil 155,403 people

▽ India is 116,616 people

▽ Mexico 87,415 people

has become a ▽ United Kingdom is 44,248 people.