British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a new system to warn of the danger of the spread of the emerging corona virus pandemic of 3 levels, while the American company, Johnson & Johnson, has temporarily halted anti-virus drug trials after one of the experimental participants was infected with an incomprehensible disease, Meanwhile, China is racing against time to get tested for the virus for all of Qingdao's 9.4 million residents.

The British Prime Minister said at a press conference in London, yesterday, that it is not right to impose a national quarantine due to the high number of Corona virus infections in the country, adding that his government has established 3 different warning levels to combat Corona, which are medium, high, and very high.

Johnson added that the aim of this system is to standardize procedures from one region to another, by simplifying or tightening them according to the level of warning.

According to British health officials, the regions of northern England are the most affected by the virus;

Because they believe that the infection has not decreased like the rest of the south during the summer, and health officials warn that the number of infected people who need intensive care in hospitals is more than it was before the general closure was imposed last March.

According to the latest statistics on Monday evening, the total number of Corona cases in Britain reached 617,688, of whom 42,875 died.

Dr. Al-Mandhari:

I am pleased to present the annual report on WHO's work in the Eastern Mediterranean Region during 2019. Our dedicated staff make great contributions in cooperation with Member States and all partners to achieve the # EMRC67https: // Dle6hDnv31

- WHO EMRO (@WHOEMRO) October 12, 2020


in the

Czech Republic

and also in Europe, the Czech authorities intend to implement new measures to limit the rapid spread of HIV infections, as they are scheduled to order the closure of bars, restaurants and clubs from tomorrow, Wednesday, until November 3.

Most schools will convert under the new measures to remote education, and Czech Minister of Health Roman Primula said on Twitter yesterday that public gatherings will be limited to 6 people only, and alcoholic beverages will be banned in public places, and wearing masks will be mandatory in public transport stations.

The Czech Republic faces the highest increase in infections in Europe according to the population, as the number of infections detected since the start of the outbreak increased to nearly 120,000 from about 25,000 at the beginning of last September.

Suspension of a trial

On the other hand, the giant "Johnson & Johnson" pharmaceuticals company said yesterday that it has temporarily stopped giving doses as part of a vaccine trial for "Covid 19" after one of the participants in the experiment "contracted an incomprehensible disease."

The American company is one of the giant pharmaceutical companies in the world, which is racing to produce the first vaccine for the virus, which first appeared in Wuhan (central China) at the end of last year.

The company is currently in the third stage of a 3-stage process to develop the vaccine clinically, and during that process thousands of people are given the vaccine and its efficacy and safety are tested.

The company explained that according to the decision to suspend clinical trials, it closed an online registration system, which it created at the end of September, to gather 60,000 volunteers to participate in the third and final phase of clinical trials, and the Independent Patient Safety Committee was also invited to convene to investigate whether the participant’s infection was related to the vaccine. Is it being developed or not, and the company said in a statement that the occurrence of unwanted dangerous events is "to be expected in any clinical study, especially in large studies."

Kovacs program

In a related context, Somaya Swaminathan, chief scientist of the World Health Organization, said yesterday that more than 180 countries have joined the organization's efforts to fund Corona virus vaccines in order to distribute them fairly to rich and poor countries.

The number represents an increase in the countries participating in the efforts of the WHO within the program called "COVAX", which is carried out in cooperation with the Global Alliance for the Production of Serums and Vaccines "GAVI", and the program aims to purchase and deliver two billion doses of approved vaccines by the end of 2021.

Swaminathan said in a press conference by phone that 9 vaccines are currently being tried within the framework of the "Kovacs" program to coordinate international efforts to finance the production of a vaccine for the Coronavirus, and the official indicated that 3 of these vaccines are in the final stage.

Health authorities in Qingdao (eastern China) rush to examine all residents of the coastal city (Reuters)

A Chinese city and

in the cradle of the pandemic, the detection of 6 cases of the virus in Qingdao, on the east coast of China, prompted the authorities to carry out a large-scale testing campaign, and 9 million people, all of the city's residents, will undergo "Covid-19" tests within 5 days.

According to the local health authorities, it appears that all the infected have been in contact with a hospital in the city treating patients with the virus;

But the focus of the infection is not yet known.

So far, more than 3 million Qingdao residents have undergone virus tests, which represents a third of the city's population, and long queues stretched overnight in front of testing centers in various neighborhoods.

The total number of cases of the disease in the Chinese territory until the time is 85,591, while the number of deaths is approximately 4,634.