The Ministry of Health revokes the license of a doctor who has used his profession to facilitate the abuse of psychotropic substances

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection decided to revoke the license of a specialist in psychiatric diseases and to delete his name from the state’s doctors ’registry for his departure from the fundamentals and ethics of the medical professions, after he was seized by the“ Narcotics Control Department ”of the General Police Command in one of the emirates of the country, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health and Community Protection For encouraging young people to use controlled drugs and psychotropic substances, without there being any medical reason to prescribe these types.

The Ministry is keen to put in place laws and legislation regulating the practice of medical professions, and has also set up mechanisms for monitoring and inspecting private medical facilities to ensure that they practice the profession in accordance with the medical principles and standards recognized locally and internationally, and to ensure their compliance with the state's health laws and regulations, and to take the most severe penalties against violators of these laws to protect And to promote the health and rights of patients.

In addition, the Ministry of Health and Community Protection monitors all prescriptions for psychotropic substances and drugs continuously monitored through the unified electronic platform for controlled medicines, noting that the doctor dispensing narcotic drugs without medical justifications is a dangerous practice for young people that is enough to put them in the labyrinth of addiction to such These pills.

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection is keen to cooperate with its strategic partners in monitoring and violating such illegal practices that violate the ethics of the human medical profession.

The Ministry of Health and Community Protection had received information from the General Command of the Police in one of the emirates of the country - the Department of Drug Enforcement Administration about the reluctance of many young people of the age group between 20-30 years to visit a psychiatric clinic, and immediately a joint working group was formed between the Ministry and the police to make sure Among the practices that take place within the clinic, several people have been sent as a patient to request prescriptions for psychotropic substances for a person who does not suffer from any mental illnesses.

The doctor has issued prescriptions for the required items, which constitutes conclusive evidence of his non-compliance with the ethics of the profession and his violation of the established procedures, as he did not perform the clinical diagnosis of the references and ascertain his actual need for this type of medicine, and in another incident the doctor agreed to dispense narcotic drugs without the presence of the patient what is considered A major breach of the ethics of the profession and an explicit violation of the principles of its practice.

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