Minister of Defense Kono "I will refrain from speaking in the future" October 11th 16:02

Minister of Defense Kono said at a press conference on the 11th that he said, "I think it will probably be held in October," over the time of the dissolution of the House of Representatives and the general election. Said.

Minister of Defense Kono said at an online lecture hosted by an American think tank on the 9th, over the time of the dissolution and general election of the House of Representatives, "I think it will probably be held in October. The Tokyo Olympics postponed to next year. Given the Paralympics, the time for dissolution and general elections is limited. "

Regarding this statement, Minister Kono said at a press conference on the 11th, "I would like to refrain from speaking in the future. I think that the person who should say it should say it."

On the other hand, when the reporters asked, "There are some expectations for the sharp Minister Kono, but will it be rounded up in the future?", Minister Kono said, "I don't want to be that way."