China News Service, September 10th. According to data from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, as of 8:28 on September 10, Beijing time, the total number of confirmed cases of new crown worldwide exceeded 27.69 million, and the cumulative number of deaths exceeded 900,000.

There have been more than 190,000 deaths in the United States. US President Trump was exposed to "deliberately downplaying the epidemic"; South Korea has a case of dual infection with the new crown flu; 9 new crown vaccine manufacturers promised to provide vaccine safety first.

Data map: US President Trump.

More than 190,000 deaths from the new crown in the United States

Trump was exposed to "playing down the epidemic"

  At present, there are more than 6.35 million confirmed cases of the new crown in the United States, and a total of more than 190,000 deaths.

The epidemic is still spreading across the United States. The epidemics in Kentucky and West Virginia have worsened. The governor of West Virginia said that the situation in the state is extremely severe. On the 9th, more than 2,800 new cases were diagnosed, and the positive rate exceeded 7.7%.

  Recently, a new book by Bob Woodward, an American journalist known for investigating the "Watergate Incident," will be published.

The book stated that Trump knew about the "lethality" of the new coronavirus as early as February 2020, but he still insisted on downplaying the severity of the epidemic.

  In response, Trump responded on the afternoon of September 9 that the downplay was to prevent panic.

He also said, "I think we have done incredible work in every aspect," otherwise the number of deaths from the new crown in the United States will be more.

  On the other hand, Trump’s plan to hold campaign rallies at two airports in Nevada this weekend has been cancelled because local authorities said that these activities would violate the state’s rule that the number of people gathering during the epidemic would not exceed 50.

However, the Trump campaign said that Trump will still go to Nevada.

On September 1, local time, Nice, France, students returned to school after the summer vacation. Teachers and students wear masks to take protective measures indoors and outdoors.

Covid-19 double infection cases in South Korea

Many European countries tighten epidemic prevention measures again

  South Korea has controlled the number of new confirmed cases in a single day to less than 200 for a week.

The head of the Korea Central Anti-epidemic Countermeasures Headquarters Jeong Eun Kyung said on the 9th that there have been cases of dual infections of the new crown and influenza viruses in Korea.

But he said it remains to be seen whether the double infection will worsen the symptoms.

  The European epidemic has a "resurgence" trend.

The Netherlands and Portugal both reported new highs of new confirmed cases in a single day since April; since mid-August, the number of confirmed cases among people aged 17 to 21 in the UK has risen sharply.

British Prime Minister Johnson announced on September 9 the tightening of restrictions. England banned gatherings of more than six people to control the epidemic and avoid the implementation of the next wave of total bans.

  The German government announced on the same day that it would extend the travel warning for countries outside of Europe to September 30.

The Czech Republic will require people to wear masks indoors from September 10 on the grounds that the country’s epidemic has worsened.

Currently, the Czech Republic has a total of nearly 30,000 confirmed cases.

  The chief epidemiologist of the Russian Ministry of Health, Brico, also said a few days ago that with the return of vacationers and the opening of schools, the proportion of Russian new crown patients in the total population will rise in September, but the outbreak of the spring will not be repeated.

Data map: At the "Gamalea" National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology in Moscow, Russia, staff demonstrate the new crown vaccine.

Russian vaccine launches third phase clinical trial

Nine vaccine manufacturers sign "safety pledge"

  Russian Health Minister Murashko announced on September 9 that the third phase of clinical trials of the Russian "Satellite-V" new coronavirus vaccine had started on the same day.

After vaccination, each volunteer will use an app to report to the hospital their status after vaccination and record their health.

  In addition, the British pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca announced on the 8th that it will suspend trials of the new crown vaccine developed by the company because of "suspected serious adverse reactions" in clinical subjects.

The company also stated that the suspension of the test and the initiation of the review process are "routine operations."

  According to reports, AstraZeneca's vaccine was once favored by the Trump administration. Recently, Trump has repeatedly asked for a rapid vaccine schedule, even mentioning November election day.

American infectious disease expert Fauci warned on the 9th that the vaccine competition has created a "fierce political atmosphere", but he believes that actual decisions about vaccines will not be politicized, and the suspension of AstraZeneca's trial has acted as a "safety valve."

  A few days ago, nine vaccine manufacturers signed a joint pledge, stating that they will not seek premature government approval for any new crown vaccine they develop.

They promised to wait until there is enough data to show that the potential vaccine can safely prevent infection before allowing it to be put into use.