Paris (AFP)

The holidays in Ibiza for Paris SG players are making waves until Ligue 1, where it is feared that the six reported cases of Covid-19 will lead to new postponements in an already complicated schedule.

When will Lens-PSG be played?

Postponed for the first time to September 10, at the request of the Parisian club, who wanted rest after their lost European final against Bayern Munich (1-0), the highly anticipated match at Bollaert-Delelis may be further postponed. .unless the protocol changes.

According to the rule in force, the PSG exceeds the four cases in the workforce over eight rolling days.

On Monday, Neymar, Angel Di Maria and Leandro Paredes tested positive.

Thursday, it was the turn of three new players, including captain Marquinhos, and Mauro Icardi and Kaylor Navas, two names revealed by L'Equipe but not confirmed by the club.

All six partied in Ibiza, where their lack of social distancing was widely relayed on social media, which made some cringe.

"It's all fuck up after already a first postponement. There, going on vacation together, with night out ... It was sure that would happen", railed Loïc Willer, president of the North Devils, a group of Lensois supporters, interviewed by an AFP correspondent.

- Modify the protocol -

If the match were to be held, Thomas Tuchel would be deprived of six executives because of the virus.

The Parisian coach should also do without his French internationals Kylian Mbappé and Presnel Kimpembe, selected with the Blues to face Croatia two days before the match in Lens.

His group would also be still very reduced for the "Clasico" against Marseille, September 13.

Neymar, Di Maria and Paredes, positive on August 31, will still be in their fortnight.

Things can still move if the Professional Football League (LFP) manages to validate the change in its protocol.

The subject is under study, but such decisions are taken at a very high level, by the interministerial crisis center (CIC).

However, the state services have already swept the request of the International Cycling Union (UCI) to amend the protocol for the Tour de France, the very morning of the start of the race and while a relaxation of the rules had was announced the day before.

They may not be inclined to make the wishes of the football world come true.

"We are waiting for the return of the State, but during the CA of the League on Wednesday morning, we made progress on the subject of the protocol", however explained to AFP Laurent Nicollin, the president of Montpellier.

- "Few free dates" -

"We are looking for a system where clubs present a list of 35 names, with 20 valid names to be able to play," explains the manager.

Recalling that "the first priority is obviously the health aspect", the president of Nice, Jean-Pierre Rivère for his part assures AFP that "everyone is now aware that the medical rules in force at the start of the season can seriously complicate competition ".

"Our calendar has few free dates available", warns the Nice leader.

And "if there is no ideal solution, we must adapt, play in the safest conditions so as not to return to the situation experienced in March".

Asked if he was worried about the timing, Nicollin explains that he would be "if the protocol was not changed. With three cases, it can be complicated."

This system proposed by the LFP "would limit the handicap for us", but, he adds, "we must learn to play without certain players. We played our first match without Delort (defeat at Rennes 2-1), d 'others will do it without Icardi or Neymar ".

Nicollin did not want to throw stones at the infected Parisian players.

"It's so easy" to criticize.

"The virus circulates and we catch it in the street or anywhere, pleads Nicollin. We are not immune to having a family meal at home or a grill. Three days later, half of the people caught the virus because the great-nephew left the day before. We must stop seeing life whiter than white ".

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