The mask is now mandatory in companies, and must also be on the nose of all students over 11 years old who go back to school this Tuesday.

A mask which therefore takes more and more place in the lives of the French, while the coronavirus is still circulating in France, killing 30,365 people.

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Back to school in the shadow of the coronavirus.

It is this Tuesday that more than 12 million children will return to school benches, sometimes after a cutoff of several months, between confinement and school holidays.

But this September 1 also marks the entry into force of the decree requiring the wearing of a mask in companies, while the latest assessment of the coronavirus epidemic in France reports 30,365 deaths, and more than 3,000 new cases in 24 hours. .

Globally, Covid-19 has killed more than 847,500 people.

Follow the evolution of the situation live. 

Information to remember: 

  • Wearing a mask is now compulsory in companies

  • Back to school is masked, in the shadow of the coronavirus

  • France has 30,365 dead from Covid-19

  • Worldwide, the coronavirus has killed more than 847,500 people 

The mask now mandatory in business

As of September 1, "the wearing of masks for the general public is systematic within companies in closed collective places", and it is "necessary" for workers working outside in the event of regrouping and inability to respect the distance d 'one meter, according to the health protocol of the Ministry of Labor presented Monday to the social partners.

In vehicles too, "the presence of several employees" makes it compulsory to wear a mask, associated in particular with a regular cleaning / disinfection procedure.

All the details on this new measure, including its exceptions, can be found in our article. 

Back to school in the shadow of the coronavirus

After the teachers on Monday, it's the children's turn to go back to school on Tuesday.

A return to the school benches necessarily particular, with compulsory mask for all from 11 years old, with regular hand washing and more generally, respect for barrier gestures.

This tightening of the rules, announced last week, somewhat reassured parents and staff worried by this uncertain return to school.

On Wednesday, the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer announced that it would also be compulsory for all teachers, including kindergarten, which had not been planned until then.

For his part, Emmanuel Macron addressed to the students Monday in a video posted on Instagram his wishes for a good start "a little special".

"It's a bit special back to school, because the virus is still there and you have to protect yourself," he said.

"So I count a lot on you, from tomorrow morning, to apply barrier gestures, wearing a mask and all the rest".

But the presence of Covid-19 should not obscure good practices.

So to start the school year on a good basis, Doctor Jimmy Mohamed gave some advice on our branch.  


> Covid-19: why the increase in the number of cases is greater than that of hospitalizations

> INVESTIGATION - Coronavirus: towards a new shortage of masks and gloves?

> Faced with the rebound of the Covid-19 epidemic, screening centers are overwhelmed

> Holidays: should grandparents worry about looking after their grandchildren?

> Coronavirus: the 5 mistakes not to make with your mask

30,635 deaths in France, reflux of new cases

3,082 new cases of infection with the coronavirus have been recorded in the last 24 hours in France, Public Health France (SPF) announced on Monday, a figure lower than those of the previous days.

The progression of cases had been stronger in recent days, peaking at more than 7,000 on Friday, and around 5,400 on Saturday and Sunday.

The figures for Monday, which count the cases of Sunday, generally mark a brake on the figures for other days, due to the closure of laboratories for example.

The test positivity rate reached 4.2% over the last seven days, compared to 4.1% Sunday, 4% Saturday and 3.6% Wednesday.

Since the start of the epidemic, 30,635 people have died in France, or 29 more in 24 hours, including 20,128 in hospitals and 10,507 (data from August 27, latest figure known) in social and medico-social establishments, including nursing homes. 


Coronavirus: find all the answers to your questions here

Massive screening campaign begins in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is launching a massive free and voluntary screening campaign on Tuesday, to which half a million Hong Kong people have already signed up, despite mistrust over the involvement of doctors and companies from mainland China.

More than half of the 141 test points spread across the city, including schools and stadiums, are full for their first day of activity on Tuesday.

But the initiative is weighed down by mistrust of the local government and Beijing, some residents fearing the use of the data collected.

WHO calls for dialogue with anti-masks

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday called on governments to dialogue with anti-mask protesters, while reminding them that the virus is "real" and "kills".

"We should listen to what people are asking, what people are saying. We should engage in an honest dialogue," Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told media when asked about the anti-mask protests that occurred last week in Germany and elsewhere. .

More than 847,500 deaths worldwide, more than 6 million infections in the United States

The coronavirus pandemic has killed more than 847,500 people worldwide, and infected more than 25.3 million people, according to a report established by AFP from official sources late Monday afternoon.

The United States is the most affected country in terms of both deaths and cases, with 183,068 dead and more than six million people infected according to Johns Hopkins University, which is the benchmark.

After the United States, the countries most affected are Brazil with 120,828 dead, India (64,469), Mexico (64,158) and the United Kingdom (41,501).