Saudi Arabia records 1184 new cases of "Corona" virus, and 39 deaths

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announced the monitoring and registration of 1184 new cases of the emerging coronavirus, Covid 19, in a number of cities, bringing the total number of confirmed infections in the Kingdom since the emergence of the virus 306370 cases, and among these cases there are currently 24,310 active cases still receiving medical care for their health conditions, Of these, 1,652 are critical, and the rest are reassuring.

Dr. Muhammad Al-Abd Al-Aali, Assistant to the Saudi Minister of Health and the official spokesperson for the ministry, stated in the daily press conference ... that the number of new recoveries from infection reached 1,374, bringing the total number of those recovered to 278,441 cases, while 39 new deaths were recorded, bringing the total number of deaths to 3,619.

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