Actress Eva Longoria played the mistresses for the first day of the Democratic convention, August 17, 2020. - Sipa / AP

Together at home against Donald Trump. Coronavirus requires, the Democrats gave, on Monday, the kickoff of their virtual convention, which was to be held in Milwaukee but takes place mainly on the Internet, with Joe Biden who will accept the nomination Thursday. Over the course of two hours hosted by actress and activist Eva Longoria, Democrats flaunted their unity against the US president, attacking him primarily over covid and racial tensions. And it was undoubtedly Michelle Obama who was the most virulent.

Presenter of the day: Eva Longoria, mistress of ceremonies

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Democrats have therefore bet on a virtual convention. In a Los Angeles studio, Eva Longoria played the master of ceremonies, alternating between live videoconferencing and recorded interventions, like that of Michelle Obama. The actress and the producers did very well, with two hours of prime time without downtime or technical hiccups. The first half oscillated between One World: Together at Home , with a virtual choir, and a Bidenthon which gave pride of place to Zoom and the living rooms of Americans affected by the coronavirus crisis and police violence. The second part allowed the Democrats to show their unity, and Michelle Obama to pay Donald Trump. It remains to be seen what the hearings turn out to be, as 26 million Americans watched on the first day of the convention in 2016.

“We have to think about more than one party - we have to think about the very core of our democracy.” - @ EvaLongoria # DemConvention

- 2020 #DemConvention 🇺🇸 (@DemConvention) August 18, 2020

Speech of the day: Michelle Obama pays Donald Trump

She spoke with her heart. In an intervention recorded eight days ago, Michelle Obama put Donald Trump on trial, who she said "has shown that he is not up to the task" and shows "a lack of absolute empathy ”. According to her, the American president embodies "chaos and division". “We have to vote as if our life depends on it. Now is not the time to abstain or to vote for a candidate who has no chance of being elected ”

If we want to end the chaos and division — and keep alive the possibility of progress on the issues we hold dear — we've got to vote for @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris like our lives depend on it. Register today by texting VOTE to 30330.

- Michelle Obama (@MichelleObama) August 18, 2020

The punchline of the day: "His only pre-existing condition is to have trusted Donald Trump"

The coronavirus crisis dominated the evening. Originally from Arizona, Kristin Urquiza denounced the management of Donald Trump, who, according to her, cost her father the life, accusing: “My father was 65 years old and was in good health. His only pre-existing condition is having trusted Donald Trump. His father, a supporter of the US president, died in June after going to a bar. According to his daughter, he believed Donald Trump when he said the epidemic was under control and it was time to reopen the economy.

"The coronavirus has made it clear that there are two Americas: the America that Donald Trump lives in, and the America that my father died in." # DemConvention

- 2020 #DemConvention 🇺🇸 (@DemConvention) August 18, 2020

The least resentful of the day: Bernie Sanders and all the losers of the primary

Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, Beto O'Rourke, Andrew Yang… Many losers in the Democratic primary - who would love to have a role in a Biden government - have spoken highly of their candidate in a video montage. And Bernie Sanders spoke live, calling for unity: “The future of our democracy is at stake, the future of our planet is at stake. We must unite and elect Joe Biden. "

"The future of our democracy is at stake.

The future of our economy is at stake.

The future of our planet is at stake.

We must come together, defeat Donald Trump and elect @JoeBiden and @KamalaHarris as our next president and vice president . " - @BernieSanders #DemConvention

- 2020 #DemConvention 🇺🇸 (@DemConvention) August 18, 2020

The future meme of the day: John Kasich at a crossroads

Former Republican Ohio Governor John Kasich has lent his support to his "friend" Joe Biden. A politician at a crossroads therefore, with a very first degree staging that should quickly be diverted under Photoshop.

My remarks at the @DemConvention:

- John Kasich (@JohnKasich) August 18, 2020

Clip of the day:  The Rising by Bruce Springsteen

The Boss's support didn't stop Hillary Clinton from biting the dust, but this clip is arguably going to help Joe Biden more than all of Joe Biden's speeches.

Come on up for #therising

- Bruce Springsteen (@springsteen) August 18, 2020

Tuesday's program

Prime time is between 9 p.m. and 11 p.m. (4 a.m. and 6 a.m. Wednesday KST), with actress Tracee Ellis Ross as MC. Expected: Senate Democrat Leader Chuck Schumer, John Kerry, rising party figure Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Bill Clinton and Jill Biden.


Democratic Convention: Michelle Obama criticizes Donald Trump for his "absolute lack of empathy"

  • Democratic Party
  • Joe biden
  • United States
  • US presidential election
  • World
  • Donald trump