
14 August 2020 The just request for truth that comes from the relatives of the 43 victims of the Morandi Bridge in Genoa was accompanied "by the strong and painful exhortation that similar disasters be avoided in any way in the future". This was written by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella, in a read on the 19th century, also taken up by La Stampa, on the occasion of the second anniversary of the collapse. "On the fourteenth of August two years ago the Morandi Bridge collapsed, inaugurated in 1967 to connect Genoa and an important part of Italy to the great European road networks. It is not possible to forget the astonishment caused by the first news - notes the head of state - the dramatic confirmations, the growing number of deaths, the generous commitment of the rescuers, the deep and composed pain of the victims' families, the desolation of those who had lost their homes, the supportive and dignified response of Genoa, a deeply wounded city, the proximity of all of Italy ". "That tragic event - continues Mattarella - was also experienced as a symbol of the contradictions present in our country, in which modernity, genius and development coexist with unacceptable negligence and with ancient negligence. The new, beautiful, Ponte di San Giorgio, designed by the genius Genoese by Renzo Piano, built in commendably quick time and inaugurated a few days ago, has healed the infrastructural vulnerability, proving the extraordinary Italian ability to get up from traumas and disasters ".

 "It was a sober ceremony and respectful of the feelings of pain and hope that the new bridge suggests: for the indelible memory of those who lost their lives and for the desire to revive the city community. Before the inauguration - writes Mattarella again. - I met some representatives of the victims' families in the Prefecture. It was a moment that I will keep in my memory. Their just request for truth and justice for their loved ones, swallowed up by the collapse of the bridge, was accompanied by the strong and painful exhortation that similar disasters with new bereavement and new victims will in any case be avoided in the future ". "From this solicitation it is necessary to restart, while continuing, with due determination, the action to ascertain the causes and responsibilities of the collapse, to develop and, in some respects, reconstitute a reliable culture of safety, adequate maintenance and control that involves and empower companies, public bodies, local and national institutions, universities, the world of research ". "For the Republic - concludes Mattarella - there are no higher values ​​than the life and freedom of its citizens. Values ​​that do not translate into a mere statement of principle, but into a concrete and binding commitment".