Headlines: Trump imposes tariffs on Canadian aluminum

Donald Trump at a White House press conference on August 3, 2020. AP Photo / Alex Brandon

Text by: Achim Lippold Follow

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The decision of the American president provokes many reactions in Canada. According to some newspapers like the Globe and Mail it is the start of a new trade war. For the Canadian daily, the American president made this decision for purely electoral reasons. We are three months from the presidential election  ," recalls the newspaper. “  And Donald Trump has always accused other countries of being responsible for the decline of American industry. It's part of his electoral strategy  , ”adds The Globe and Mail.

The reaction of the Canadian government

An unwarranted and unacceptable announcement  ," said Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, quoted by the Journal de Montreal. The government of Quebec asks the federal authorities to retaliate by imposing tariffs on American products  ".

According to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, "  Canadian aluminum exports pose absolutely no threat to the national security of the United States  ." On the contrary: “  Canadian aluminum constitutes an essential element of the American defense industrial base and therefore plays an essential role in our common defense and security objectives  ”, according to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

How to distribute aid for Lebanon?

As international aid arrives in Lebanon, the Canadian government said the money would not go directly to Lebanese authorities. According to the newspaper Le Devoir, “  Canada is very aware of the corruption problems afflicting Lebanon and it is for this reason that it does not intend to send direct aid to the government.  After the deadly explosions last Tuesday. The Minister of International Development had assured that her country was ready to send aid to Lebanon. But, according to the minister, there should be significant fiscal and political reforms to ensure that this aid benefits the Lebanese people.

In the United States, the coronavirus is spreading in rural areas

This is the case in Mississippi where Covid patients are put on a waiting list to be treated in an intensive care unit. In fact, according to the Washington Post, Mississippi currently has the highest rate of positive tests per population nationwide. This highlights that the virus is not only an urban problem but is spreading more and more in rural areas. There, many people are unaware that they have been infected, which contributes to the spread of the virus. In these rural areas it is not easy to trace the chains of infections, estimates the Washington Post.

Motorcycle Festival in South Dakota

And in the midst of a pandemic, more than 200,000 visitors are expected this Friday at a motorcycle rally in South Dakota. It is one of the most important biker gatherings in the world, according to the Washington Post. The mayor of the small town of Sturgis, which for 10 days becomes “  City of Riders  ” (“  the city of bikers  ”), calls for the responsibility of everyone. But he specifies that there is no formal obligation to wear a mask. “  You can't stop people from coming,  ” the mayor of Sturgis said in an interview with CNN.

Mexico crosses the threshold of 50,000 deaths linked to Covid

Mexico is the third most bereaved country in the world behind the United States and Brazil. We must not forget that behind the figures, statistics and curves are played out indescribable human dramas  ", writes the editorial of the newspaper El Universal. More than 50,000 people have died since the first case appeared on February 28. With each additional death, public opinion seems less and less astonished, adds El Universal. According to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador the worst is over, but the truth is that this pandemic is not yet under control in the country. It is true, continues the editorial, we all, citizens and political leaders, made mistakes to get there. But one question remains and it will be asked over and over again: who is accountable for all these deaths?

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