Barcelona reconfigured is a new blow for the Catalans. The city asked all its residents on Friday to stay at home, and not to try to leave the agglomeration. This is not a strict reconfiguration since Spain is no longer in a state of emergency, but rather a "council" of public health. 


"Stay at home, do not try to leave the city in the coming days" ... Here are the recommendations of the Catalan authorities. Meetings of more than 10 people are again banned, and bars and restaurants must halve their capacity. While the coronavirus continues to gain ground in the territories, Spain is no longer in a state of emergency, it is not a strict reconfiguration but rather advice. The fact remains that on the spot, the pill seems hard to swallow for the inhabitants. 

The Catalan authorities recommend that the people of Barcelona do not leave their home and do not go to their holiday home. Please note: this is not an obligation. It is legally impossible to reconfigure people at home because Spain is no longer under a state of emergency

- Henry de Laguérie (@henrydelaguerie) July 17, 2020

"We can't go on like this" 

Marco opened his restaurant's blind yesterday when he heard the bad news. A backtrack which makes him angry: "they are destroying the business, there are already a lot of people going towards bankruptcy", he confides to the microphone of Europe 1. The sector of the he hotel and restaurant have already been in great difficulty since the start of the coronavirus epidemic, and a reconfiguration is perceived as a new blow for the merchants of the city. Despite the danger of the virus, Marco finds it difficult to get used to the idea of ​​this reconfiguration. According to him, the situation is "ridiculous, we cannot continue like this". 

>> LIVE - Coronavirus: follow the evolution of the situation Saturday July 18

"People were not responsible"

But the majority of people seem resigned, while the number of cases has tripled in Barcelona in just one week. The Catalan authorities have not been able to trace the chains of contagion. The youngest, who go out a lot at night, find it difficult to respect barrier gestures. For Marta, there has been a relaxation. "People were not responsible and so we have this backtrack," she regrets. Angry, this Barcelona resident suggests that the government set up a ticket system to force people to wear a mask: "I would fine them with salt, you would see how they would all wear the mask".


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If the borders remain open, this decision marks a new blow for tourism, in the middle of the summer season. For the moment, a strict reconfiguration at home is not envisaged, this would require a vote of the parliament in Madrid.