This is stated in a message on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers of Russia.

“From January 1, 2021, citizens will be able to get a job with an electronic workbook,” the government said.

It is noted that Mishustin approved changes to the rules for maintaining labor books, taking into account the emergence of a new digital format. Changes are made to 55 normative acts.

The message says that you can see the electronic document in your personal account on the website of the Pension Fund and on the portal of public services. An extract from the electronic book can also be obtained from the last employer, the FIU and the MFC.

It is noted that until October 31, employers will have to inform employees about the possibility of choosing the format of the work book - paper or electronic. At the same time, employees will have to choose the appropriate document format by December 31.

The Izvestia newspaper reported that employers appreciated the introduction of electronic work books in Russia.