Environmentalist Pierre Hurmic claimed victory on Sunday in the run-up to the Bordeaux municipal election, hailing a "historic victory". His election ends 73 years of right-wing rule.

Environmentalist Pierre Hurmic claimed victory in the second round of municipal elections in Bordeaux on Sunday, defeating outgoing mayor LR Nicolas Florian and ending 73 years of right-wing rule. Speaking in the town hall courtyard, this 64-year-old lawyer promised to be "a full-time mayor of Bordeaux". 

"It is a historic victory, I always thought that the Bordeaux people were ripe for ecology. This victory, I will assume it without arrogance and with pride", he said, adding that his first decision would be "to entrust the finance committee to an elected representative of the opposition".

Environmental opponent for 25 years

"Those who know me know that I will be a humble mayor, you will not see the slightest arrogant or revengeful words in my mouth," he promised. Pierre Hurmic, environmental opponent for 25 years in Bordeaux, came second in the first round, with 96 votes behind Nicolas Florian. He promised Mayor LR an exceptionally tight second round in a city that had gotten into the habit of electing right-wing mayors in an armchair.

Nicolas Florian, deemed Macron-compatible, had made an alliance between the two rounds with the candidate En Marche Thomas Cazenave (42 years old), whose list had gathered 12.69% in the first round. But this alliance was therefore not enough for the heir of Alain Juppe.