The Ministry of Justice has been informed of the events and is the main content that underlies the prosecutor's decision, Aftonbladet experiences through source contacts.

Social Democrat debater Daniel Suhonen states to the newspaper that the investigation has secured a weapon, he also reports to SVT News.

"It is the murder weapon that you will present," says Suhonen, referring to "a credible source" he usually has contact with.

- This is evidence that you believe would hold all the way to a trial, I interpret it as most likely pointing to the Skandia man.

Daniel Suhonen should have been reached by the information a week ago.

Promised technical evidence

For SVT's reporter Karin Fagerlund, who reported on the investigation work for Veckan's crime, the information is no surprise.

- We have believed this all the time, we have been given indications of it but have not been able to confirm it to one hundred percent.

Chief Prosecutor Krister Petersson has previously promised technical evidence for this week's crime. The Palmegroup has been testing two weapons in recent years - weapons that most likely come from a now-defunct gun collector's collection, a person who was close friends with the Skandia man.

The test answers for the weapons came in February 2018. The owners have not received the weapons that were located, which could indicate that they may be one of them.

SVT News has applied for the Prosecutor's Office, which does not want to comment before Wednesday's press conference.