(Interview between the two sessions) Luo Weidong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference: strengthen vocational education support to get rid of intergenerational poverty

  China News Service, Beijing, May 23 (strictly Xie Panpan Tong Xiaoyu) A few days ago, Luo Weidong, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and president of Zhejiang University City University, said in an interview that vocational education is the era of "post-poverty" era to promote rural revitalization and escape intergenerational poverty The effective way is to increase investment in vocational education in the central and western regions.

  2020 is the year of achieving the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way, and the year of comprehensively winning the battle against poverty. After the eradication of poverty, how to better consolidate the results of poverty alleviation is an important task and challenge for China at present and for a long period of time thereafter.

  Teaching people to fish is worse than teaching people to fish. Luo Weidong believes that vocational education is very useful in the "post-poverty era". Especially in the economically underdeveloped central and western regions, it is necessary to build more vocational schools, strengthen vocational education teachers, and increase investment in the construction of vocational education infrastructure.

  The conclusion of this conclusion is related to Luo Weidong's long-term experience in charge of counterpart assistance work during the term of vice president of Zhejiang University. He has been to the poverty alleviation site of the Jingdong Yi Autonomous County in Yunnan Province, where the school has helped for many times, to carry out poverty alleviation work. In-depth research was conducted on the running of local vocational high schools.

  He said that in Jingdong, compared with ordinary high school education, vocational middle school is "one hard to find." He said that the local education level is not high, and it takes three years to study at Pugao, and may not be able to go to college. After graduation, he either went home to farm or went out to work odd jobs. His income was low and unstable. On the contrary, graduates of vocational middle schools are very popular among the industry because of their skills. The income is also much higher and the position is much more stable. "So, families in poverty-stricken areas are more willing to let their children go to vocational schools."

  In his view, the essential attributes of vocational education are practicability and vocationality, as well as skill education and employment education. It can not only provide academic education for children from poor families, but also enable children to master the skills, achieve employment, and help a family out of poverty.

  "Therefore, poverty alleviation through education is not the poverty alleviation seen through culture and education, but more from poverty alleviation through skill education." But Luo Weidong also sees that in the central and western regions, vocational education has not invested much. For example, for auto repair majors, there are not enough types of teaching cars, which may cause students to fail to get started quickly after work.

  To this end, he suggested that the state should provide subsidies to build training centers in the central and western regions, or allow enterprises to connect with vocational education schools to provide training facilities.

  In addition, he also proposed to increase the salary of vocational education teachers in the central and western regions, train a group of vocational education teachers, introduce relevant policies, and drive a number of outstanding vocational education teachers to land.

  As a scholar who has been engaged in economic development research for a long time, Luo Weidong also focused on the survival and development of small and medium-sized enterprises in the two sessions of the country.

  During the epidemic, many small, medium and micro enterprises ushered in devastating blows. Luo Weidong puts it like this: The capital chain of small and medium-sized enterprises is fragile, like the people with weak "immunity" in the economic field. Once problems occur, they are always "the first to suffer."

  However, in the process of economic development, SMEs have made great contributions. To this end, Luo Weidong suggested that SMEs should strengthen their "immunity", increase the added value of science and technology, and think about new development models.

  In order to achieve this, relevant departments can set up entrepreneurship schools, offering courses in both theory and practice, inviting famous entrepreneurs to "explain", university professors to impart theoretical knowledge, government officials to explain laws and policies, and scientists to teach cutting-edge knowledge of science and technology. (Finish)