Recently, colleges and universities around the world have successively announced the scores and retest methods for the re-examination of postgraduates in 2020. The Ministry of Education plans to expand the enrollment of 189,000 postgraduate students by 2020, and it is clear that it will continue to expand the corresponding enrollment scale. Jin Li, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and vice president of Guanghua School of Management of Peking University, said that how to use education resources more effectively and revitalize the education market is an important direction of the current education reform. In this process, some colleges and universities should be allowed to adapt to local conditions and schools, and implement the policy of "one school, one policy". Some colleges have cancelled or largely reduced their education at the undergraduate level and pooled more educational resources at the graduate level. If this measure meets the future development requirements of the school or discipline, it should be encouraged and tolerated. But the premise of these jobs must be to ensure that the education itself is open and transparent, and students have equal opportunities for education. Education reform should try to improve the national strength and modernize education.

  (Reporter Fan Siyi Wang Shibo Editor Zhou Jing)

Editor in charge: [Sun Jingbo]