Madrid (AFP)

"It's not football, it's reality TV": fatalists, Spanish supporters are resigned to the idea of ​​watching in front of a screen the possible next restart of the Liga behind closed doors, to "save the season". But most live this television recovery as a heartbreak.

Two months after the temporary suspension of the Spanish championship (March 12) due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the footballers of Spain returned to individual training in early May, opening the door to an early return to the stadium. .. which will take place behind closed doors, much to the chagrin of the supporters.

The president of the Spanish league (LaLiga), Javier Tebas, said he wanted to restart the competition on June 12. He then qualified his remarks by specifying that the final date would depend on the development of the health situation in Spain.

And in a country where the football is king, the wait is there: after two months of watching reruns of matches on television, "people now need their dose of football", explains to AFP Adolfo Barbero , commentator for the Movistar + channel.

"The desire (to go to the stadium) is real, but today, the most important thing for many is to see the game. To see 22 guys, a ball and a green lawn. The rest, we'll see What people want now is to see soccer, whatever it is, "adds Adolfo Barbero.

- "Save the season ... more or less" -

"Football without an audience is not the football we want. But given the exceptional nature of the situation, we have no choice but to accept it", resigned to AFP José Manuel Mateo, president of Aficiones Unidas, an association bringing together groups of supporters from several clubs.

"I don't think football can afford to take a break" until a vaccine is found against the new coronavirus, he adds.

According to LaLiga, playing what remains of the domestic championship and European competitions in which Spanish clubs are involved would limit the losses of the clubs to 303 million euros, instead of the billion euros shortfall. estimated win if the 2019-2020 season ended there.

For the time being, the paralysis of football and the drying up of revenues has led several clubs to reduce the wages and hourly volumes of their employees.

"Many families depend on this income, it is not just a question of footballers," recalls José Manuel Mateo.

Playing the last 11 days of La Liga "behind closed doors is a way to save the season ... more or less," admits Gerardo Tocino, president of La Gran Familia, a group of supporters (peña) from Real Madrid.

"We who faithfully represent our clubs only want the best for them". Even if that means having to watch the exploits of your favorite stars through a television screen, he adds.

- "Without supporters, it's not football" -

"Without supporters, it is not football. It is reality TV, entertainment, but not football," nevertheless thunders Emilio Abejon, secretary general of the Federation of Shareholders of Spanish Football (FASFE).

This group considers that the shortfall generated by television rights (about 500 M EUR according to the Spanish press) does not justify a resumption of the championship behind closed doors, in this country where "we have forced the paralysis of tourism, which is the the most profitable sector in Spain, and the construction sector ", another pillar of the economy.

Emilio Abejon, supporter of Atlético Madrid, recalls that the fact of "relaunching football in this way does not really relaunch a sector which contributes 1.3 or 1.4% of Spanish GDP, because good part of this industry is generated by activities that revolve around football (bars, restaurants, shops, editor's note), which are stopped. "

A line shared by Joseba Combarro, president of the Eskozia La Brava, the most important of the Basque club of Eibar: "We understand that we should not go to the stadium because of the risk of contagion. But for the players or the supporters, the risk is the same. It is there for everyone. La Liga should be suspended, "he said.

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