Officials and experts recommended the creation of a unified digital network, which includes talented people at the state level, and a database that classifies their specialties and talents as the real investment of the country in the post-corona world, calling for the creation of a ministerial portfolio of technology and innovation in the country, which will take care of this category.

They said during a discussion organized by the Emirates Association for the Gifted, yesterday, at the virtual Ramadan Council of the Deputy Chief of Police and Public Security in Dubai, the society’s president, Lieutenant General Dhahi Khalfan Tamim, under the title “The Emirati Gifted Between Care and the Future”, that there is an urgent need for a federal project that takes care of the talented people in the state , And directs them to the specialties that have become urgent under the Corona pandemic.

In detail, Lieutenant General Dahi Khalfan Tamim, in the session moderated by the journalist Marwan Al-Hal, demanded that the state's competent authorities draw a road map and develop a strategy for the talented that supports their capabilities and future aspirations, and the establishment of applied research centers capable of carrying out scientific experiments that open the way to enrich their knowledge, and the establishment of a national center to measure capabilities , And intelligence tests for students to discover the talented ones, and create records of their own, so that they are classified according to their specializations and talents in all fields, and follow-up on their care.

He stressed that «the state has spared no effort in supporting the projects and plans that go into caring for the gifted, and for that purpose it has allocated a lot of money to support innovation and talent service, but there is an urgent need for a federal project that takes care of the talented people in the state, and there must be a specialized ministry that takes care of science and technology Like the rest of the world, ».

For her part, the Minister of Community Development, Hessa bint Issa Bouhamid, said that the crisis the state and the world are going through these days due to the Corona pandemic (Covid 19) constituted an important turning point for the field of talent, pointing out that «the government of the United Arab Emirates focused in all its meetings During this crisis, the need to employ creative minds and ideas to reach innovative solutions. ”

She added that «the state is keen to search for the gifted students, discover the mental abilities they enjoy, support them, and direct them to the fields that suit them, and meet the country's needs of these creative energies», stressing the importance of the family’s role in the early detection of talent among its children, and working to refine it Nurtured and developed.

In addition, Abdullah Al Falasi, Chairman of Dubai Council for Talent Future, stressed the need for a unified platform at the country level to measure the capabilities of gifted students from the homeland, including a smart database, in which all information related to their ages and specialties is available, and provides an incubating environment for the talented in light of changing concepts Globalism after the Corona crisis.

Sumaya Hareb Al Suwaidi, a member of the Federal National Council, stressed the need to limit the challenges facing the talented people in the country, expand the circle of interest in them, and transfer them to digital transformation through social media platforms and the use of virtual reality.

Participants in the seminar recommended the issuance of a law for talented people in the state, to preserve their rights, support and care as required, give them opportunities, give them priority in contributing to government programs and projects, and create a unified network at the state level, which represents an independent entity for them, and interest in scientific research that supports creative projects for the talented.

Bohumaid share:

"The Corona crisis marked an important turning point for the field of talent."

Dahi Khalfan Tamim:

"There is an urgent need for a federal project that takes care of the talented people in the country."

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