DN writes that it is about a possible increase in the age to which the advice of the Public Health Authority is directed.

"Some kind of change seems to be happening," Anders Tegnell told the newspaper.

He hopes that a new recommendation will come this week.

- Our statistics are now looking at data from Sweden and if we can sneak a little at the 70-year limit. We believe that Swedes are healthier when they are 70 years old than Chinese and Italians are and then maybe you should be able to move up the border.

"How to feel insulation is difficult to weigh in"

Exactly how the new tips can look is not clear. Tegnell tells DN that they are reviewing cases in Sweden and whether, for example, there is a greater risk of a 72-year-old than a 65-year-old becoming seriously ill. Something that is not particularly important in the assessment is whether the elderly feel bad about staying at home.

- First and foremost, we want to set the most relevant limit as possible, where the risk is starting to become really high in order to get really sick. How to feel insulation is difficult to weigh.