The Ministry of Health and Community Protection announced that more than 40,000 new examinations will be conducted for different groups in society, using the best and latest medical examination techniques, with the aim of early detection and inventory of cases infected with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19) and those who mix with them and isolate them.

The intensification of the procedures of investigation and examination and the expansion of examinations at the state level in the detection of 731 new cases of the virus of different nationalities, all of which are stable cases and subject to the necessary health care, bringing the total number of recorded cases to 23 thousand and 358 cases.

The ministry also announced six deaths of injured people of different nationalities, as a result of the consequences of infection of the emerging corona virus, and thus the number of deaths in the state 220 cases.

The Ministry expressed its regret and condolences to the families of the deceased, and its wishes for a speedy recovery for the injured, calling on community members to cooperate with health authorities, adhere to the instructions and adhere to the social spacing to ensure the health and safety of all.

The ministry also announced the recovery of 581 new cases of people infected with the emerging coronavirus (Covid-19), and its full recovery from symptoms of the disease, after receiving the necessary health care, bringing the total number of cures to 8,512 cases.

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