The Federal Authority for Government Human Resources launched the new version of the performance management system for employees of the federal government, based on the decision of the Council of Ministers regarding the adoption of a performance management system in the federal government, which is one of the pillars of the federal system for the development and development of human capital, including policies, legislation, regulations and initiatives.

The Authority’s Director General, Dr. Abdul Rahman Abdul Mannan Al-Awar, stressed that the performance management system for the federal government is based on global foundations and concepts, where its implementation has met with great success since the first release in 2012, and was transformed into an electronic smart through the «Bayanati» system in 2014, which contributed to the follow-up Its indicators and results through smart screens, pointing out that «this is the second amendment of its kind on the system, which reflects keeping pace with developments and supporting measuring the efficiency and performance of government employees, and linking them to the achievements of the federal entity».

He explained that the authority has collected feedback about the system, conducted standardized comparisons, reviewed the best practices applied globally in terms of measuring employee performance, and held consultative sessions with ministries and federal agencies, and stood on its views and development observations of the system, through questionnaires, up to the modified system, It helps create greater flexibility for feedback, enhances productivity levels, and creates job harmony between employees, their organizations, and their line managers.

He pointed out that the modernization of the performance management system approved according to the decision of the Council of Ministers comes from the authority’s keenness to update the policies, legislations and human resources regulations in force at the federal government level, to keep pace with local and international developments and changes, and to achieve the visions and aspirations of the state, and the directions of its leadership, until the UAE is One of the best countries in the world on all levels.

For its part, Aisha’s successor, HR Authority’s Executive Director, Aisha Khalifa Al Suwaidi, mentioned that the system’s updates included amending the classification of the final performance results according to the control and budget mechanisms stipulated in the system.

She added that the system is based on five main principles: enhancing the performance culture for individuals and developing it, involving employees in planning and setting goals, encouraging heads to provide feedback about their employees' performance objectively, linking promotions, incentives, bonuses, training and development to the level of performance, and establishing the values ​​of justice, consistency, fairness and credibility Applying the system.

The performance management system for employees of the federal government is one of the most prominent human resource development practices that the federal government seeks to establish, as it links the employee’s goals to the institution’s goals, and consequently the government’s vision, and establishes an approach that ensures linking performance with reward achievement and outstanding results, and improving and increasing employee productivity by evaluating performance Annual consistent with the goals of the federal government.

By means of the system, the employee's performance is evaluated in comparison with the main goals and indicators of performance, which are developed in partnership between the employee and his immediate superior, so that they are defined at the beginning of the period. The performance period, according to the system, passes in three stages: performance planning, interim review, and final evaluation of the annual performance.

3 main themes

The performance management system is based on the general framework of behavioral competencies in the federal government based on the Emirates government leadership model, which is applied to all target grades, from the degree of Undersecretary to the seventh degree.

It consists of three main axes: leadership, future vision, achievement and influence.

Under each axis are a group of behavioral competencies that total up to 10 competencies, which together constitute a realistic picture of the leadership model, which the leadership of the state seeks to prepare and build.

The "Leadership Spirit" includes three behavioral competencies: "Possible for man", "Good role model", and "Open to the world."

Under the "Future Outlook" axis, four behavioral competencies are included: "forward looking", "innovative and stimulating for radical change", "familiar with advanced future technology", and "continuously educated and lifelong."

The third axis, "Achievement and Impact," consists of three competencies: "flexible and fast", and "makes smart, effective and efficient decisions" and "focuses on the higher goals of government and achieving results."

The employer may not amend the results of the evaluation of the performance of its employees for previous years, retroactively, except in the event of a clear material error, or if it becomes apparent that the data on which the employee was evaluated is incorrect. In the event that the employee obtains the result of a 5, 4, or 1 performance evaluation, the next president of the direct head will review and approve the final result.

The most prominent modifications to the system

Weights of career goals for employees.

Flexibility of modifying goals throughout the year by agreement between the employee and his immediate superior.

- The employee can document his performance and achievements throughout the year.

- Expanding the levels of performance results.

- Adopting behavioral competencies in accordance with the Emirates model for government leadership approved by the Council of Ministers.

Mandatory specialized competencies according to job families.

Smart Objectives Bank

When formulating smart goals, take into account that they are ambitious and challenging; To contribute to achieving the goals of the national agenda of the state, and to enhance its competitiveness, provided that the goals are linked to achieving the strategic plan of the federal entity. The 5,000 electronic smart targets available in the "Smart Objectives Bank" can be used for support and support functions.

Evaluation of exceptional cases

When evaluating the results of the performance of employees who are enrolled in the national service, or who have extended study leave, the employer may be guided by the results of the evaluation of those concerned in the national and reserve service for the employee concerned, or based on the academic results of the employee authorized study, or the work entity may conduct the evaluation process for this category all by herself.

As for the new employees, their performance is evaluated at the end of the probationary period, if the service period during the evaluation year exceeds six months. If the period is less, it is not included in the annual performance cycle.

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