According to the deputy, the importance of changing the deadlines for passing final exams at school is obvious.

“There is no novelty in the transference (Unified State Examination - RT ), they have been talking about this for a long time. Of course, you need to transfer it, this is obvious ... Depending on how critical the transfer is, you still have to transfer the admission to universities, and, consequently, the beginning of the school year. It is necessary to determine this critical point, ”Onishchenko said.

At the same time, the parliamentarian expressed confidence that in the future it will be possible to meet the deadlines necessary for the normal functioning of the educational process.

Earlier, the Ministry of Education announced a decision to postpone the USE to a later date.

As noted, this is due to the recommendations of the health authorities, based on the epidemiological situation in the country and the necessary requirements for protecting the health of children and teachers.