The milestone of one million cases of coronavirus was crossed on Tuesday April 28 in the United States. The number of deaths there is now 58,351, according to the count of Johns Hopkins University, more than the number of American soldiers died during the Vietnam War (1955-1975), a reference still present in the country. With 2,207 additional deaths in 24 hours, the daily balance sheet went up again on Tuesday.

To pay tribute to medical and emergency personnel, a squadron of the US Air Force and another of the US Navy flew over New York and its surroundings on Tuesday in a cloudless sky.

Watch: Jets from the Navy's Blue Angels and the Air Force's Thunderbirds flew over New York City in a tribute to medical personnel, first responders and other essential workers fighting the pandemic

- TIME (@TIME) April 29, 2020

Mike Pence creates controversy

For his part, the American vice-president Mike Pence created the controversy by refusing Tuesday to wear a sanitary mask during a visit to a hospital, in violation of the rules of this establishment.

VP Pence does not wear a mask during Tuesday's visit to the Mayo Clinic, which is requiring all patients and visitors to wear a face covering or mask in effort to slow the spread of coronavirus.

- NBC News (@NBCNews) April 28, 2020

The vice president, who visited hospital staff and the sick, was the only one who did not wear a mask in an overcrowded room. He explained that he did not need to wear a mask since he is regularly tested. "Since I don't have the coronavirus, I thought it was a good opportunity for me to be there, to talk to these researchers, these fantastic health workers, to look them in the eye and say thank you, "said No. 2 of the US executive. "I am tested regularly for coronavirus, as are people around me," he said.

New York State, epicenter of the pandemic, resists the temptation to deconfinement and will not commit to it until May 15. But some less affected US states, such as Georgia, have already reopened some businesses, Texas must do the same on Friday and Alabama plans to reopen its beaches this weekend.

Meat producers must stay open

President Donald Trump, who wants to be re-elected in November, wants to restart the economy as soon as possible. He signed a decree on Tuesday ordering meat producers to maintain their business amid fears of shortages due to the coronavirus.

"President Trump signs an executive order giving him jurisdiction to ensure an uninterrupted supply of beef, pork and poultry to Americans," the presidency said in a statement.

Donald Trump invoked the Defense Production Act to classify this sector as crucial in the serious economic crisis facing the United States. The federal government will also commit to providing protective equipment for employees in the sector.

Slaughterhouse closings are increasing in the United States due to employee contamination, fueling concerns in the supply chain.

With AFP

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