China News Service, April 28. According to the Russian Satellite Network report on the 28th, the Russian Epidemic Prevention Headquarters announced that in the past 24 hours, Russia has added 6411 new coronavirus infections, a new record in a single day, and accumulated a total of 93558 infections. .

On March 30 local time, all citizens of Moscow, Russia, began to isolate themselves at home regardless of age. The picture shows that there are few vehicles on the road. China News Service reporter Wang Xiujun

  In addition, Russia's new crown deaths have risen to 867 cases.

  At the same time, the Russian Consumer Rights Protection and Public Welfare Supervision Bureau Information Office announced that in the past 24 hours, Russia has conducted a total of 119,000 new crown virus tests. Russia has detected more than 3.1 million new coronaviruses, and 192,000 people are undergoing medical observation.

  Russian President ’s press secretary Peskov said earlier that Russia should enter the platform period of the new crown epidemic in mid-May, and the epidemic in the first month of summer will ease.