<Anchor> The

Ministry of National Defense said today (27th) that it will take a thorough investigation, saying that it is seriously aware of the incident. It is pointed out that inside and outside the military, it is also necessary to uncover whether retirement with technology is hardened by practice.

Reporter Kim Hye-young continues.


Briefed today by the Ministry of National Defense and Defense Agency.

He said the defense minister had been given a thorough investigation order, and he was seriously aware of the leak.

[Choi Hyun-Soo / Dept. Of Defense spokesman: I am seriously looking. And we are waiting for a thorough investigation into the whole process.]

Despite the fact that we have only investigated hundreds of retirees last year, the suspicion of over 60 people has already been confirmed.

The question continued as to whether or not the retiree technology leak was a practice.

[Chairman Hee-Seon Jang / Defense of Defense Agency: Can you pretend that there is no technology leakage practice at retirement?)

Like that part, I think I can only answer the results of the investigation.] In 2006, ADD researchers were arrested on charges of leaking radar confidentiality to overseas defense companies, and there have been no suspicions of adhesion among ADD's internal and external defense companies.

[Kim Young-soo / Former National Rights Commission Defense Investigator: (At the time of the 2013 survey) There was also a bond between insiders and outside companies. In advance, I confirmed that 'it was being communicated with external companies through data.']

Military and investigative agencies are also planning to look into whether the ADD researchers' employment restrictions on related industries have been strengthened since June.

(Video coverage: Seonghwa Jung, Sungil Kim, Video editing: Seunghee Lee)  

▶ [Exclusive] ADD researcher among foreign companies by taking out weapon technology