(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) More than 2.79 million confirmed cases of new crowns worldwide are cautiously relaxing prevention and control measures

  China News Agency, Beijing, April 25, comprehensive news: Real-time statistical data released by Johns Hopkins University in the United States shows that as of April 25, Beijing time, around 6:30, the cumulative number of cases of new coronary pneumonia has been diagnosed more than 2.79 million Cases, the cumulative deaths exceeded 190,000. According to the latest WHO epidemic report, as of April 24, there have been more than 2.62 million confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia and more than 180,000 deaths worldwide.

  In response to the epidemic, WHO announced the launch of "milestone" international cooperation, the United States signed the fourth round of economic stimulus plan, some European countries are cautiously trying to relax prevention and control measures, and many countries in the Middle East continue to strengthen prevention and control during Ramadan.

  WHO Director General Tan Desai announced on the 24th that it will accelerate the development, production and equitable distribution of new coronary pneumonia-related vaccines, diagnostic tools and treatment tools. Tan Desai said: "Only unity can contain the epidemic. All countries, health partners, manufacturers and the private sector must work together to ensure that science and research results benefit everyone." Many countries, international organizations and health fields Institutional leaders participated in the launching ceremony through video and expressed their strong support for WHO and this cooperative initiative.

  The United States has diagnosed more than 890,000 Trump signed the fourth round of economic stimulus plan

  According to data from Johns Hopkins University, as of 17:31 EST on the 24th, a total of 890,524 cases were diagnosed in the United States and 51,017 deaths were accumulated.

  US President Trump signed a nearly US $ 500 billion economic aid bill on the evening of the 24th. This is the fourth round of economic stimulus plan for the epidemic in the United States. It aims to increase assistance to small and medium-sized enterprises and increase the amount of assistance to hospitals to increase testing capabilities. .

  On the 24th local time, the outbreak of the USS destroyer "Kidd" broke out, and a total of 18 cases have been diagnosed. At present, there are many outbreaks of ships in the US Navy. The US Navy reported earlier that on the aircraft carrier "Roosevelt" docked in Guam, the test results of 840 new coronaviruses were positive.

  European epidemic situation stabilizes and cautiously relaxes prevention and control restrictions

  According to Spain ’s National newspaper, in the past 24 hours, 6,740 new cases of new coronary pneumonia have been diagnosed in the country, with a total of 219,764 confirmed cases; 367 new deaths and a total of 22,524 deaths. Fernando Simon, director of the Emergency and Early Warning Coordination Center of the Spanish Ministry of Health, said that the number of single-day cures in Spain exceeded the number of new diagnoses in a single day for the first time. There were 367 new deaths in Spain on the 24th, which was also the lowest in a month. Simon said this is good news, and the epidemic is developing in the expected direction.

  As of 6:30 on the 25th, Beijing time, a total of 154,999 cases were diagnosed in Germany. German Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered a speech in the Bundestag on the 23rd, stating that although Germany is currently slowing the spread of the virus and has more cured cases per day than new cases, these figures only reflect the infection in the previous period. She was worried about excessive relaxation of restrictions in some areas of the country, and urged the federal states not to take risks and cause the epidemic to rebound.

  On the evening of April 24, local time, the French Ministry of Health reported that 122577 cases of new coronary pneumonia were diagnosed in the country, an increase of 1773 cases from the previous day; and 22245 cases of deaths were accumulated. In response to the epidemic, the town hall in the city of Lille in northern France was converted into a temporary factory building to make masks. French President Macron held a video conference with hotel and restaurant operators on the 24th to discuss the steps of "unblocking" restaurants and cafes. Macron remained cautious about this.

  The latest news released by the UK Ministry of Health on the 24th shows that over 140,000 cases have been diagnosed in the UK; the total number of deaths has risen to nearly 20,000. On the morning of the 24th, the online new crown virus test appointment application system for key post workers was temporarily shut down due to excessive demand. In addition, British media reported that the British Prime Minister Johnson was still resting in the country mansion after he was discharged from the hospital and plans to return to work as early as 27th.

  A few days ago, the Czech government decided that starting April 27, the university in the territory will be reopened to students of all grades. If the epidemic situation continues to improve, middle school students in the graduating grade may reopen the school on May 11.

  The Belgian National Security Council announced on the 24th that Belgium will lift anti-epidemic restrictions in three stages.

  Japan has a high proportion of nosocomial infections in South Korea

  According to a report by the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) TV station, on April 24 local time, Japan added 430 new cases of confirmed coronary pneumonia, with a total of 12,859 cases diagnosed. In addition, there are 345 death cases of new coronary pneumonia in Japan. As of the 21st, at least 454 doctors, nurses and other medical personnel in Tokyo were diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia, accounting for about 14% of the confirmed cases announced in Tokyo. The Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Regulatory Department believes that dozens of confirmed patients appear in a hospital, indicating that the possibility of infection in the hospital is extremely high.

  The latest situation of the epidemic situation in South Korea, South Korea ’s Central Epidemic Prevention Headquarters reported on April 24 that from 0:00 on April 23 to 0:00 on April 24, 6 new cases of newly diagnosed coronary pneumonia were added in South Korea. There are less than 15 cases, and there is a single-digit increase in four days. At present, the cumulative number of confirmed cases is 10708. With the alleviation of the epidemic situation in the country, the Korean government is planning to promote Korean society from the stage of epidemic prevention to the "life epidemic prevention stage" in which the production economy and epidemic prevention are restored in parallel.

  Multi-country Ramadan strengthens prevention and control of Latin America's economic downturn

  At present, many countries in the Middle East have entered Ramadan. The Ministry of the Interior of Turkey previously stated in the Ramadan epidemic prevention regulations released to the whole country that, due to the need for epidemic prevention and control, this year Ramadan will ban all activities such as Iftar, Suhour and other activities that may cause people to gather. As of the 24th, there were a total of 104,912 new crown cases in Turkey and 2,600 death cases.

  The Egyptian Ministry of Health said on the evening of the 24th that there were 201 new confirmed cases of new crowns in Egypt, and a total of 4,092 cases were diagnosed. Egyptian Prime Minister Madbuli announced on the 23rd that in order to control the development of the new crown epidemic, Egypt will continue to implement a nationwide curfew during Ramadan this year.

  The Iranian Ministry of Health said on the 24th that the country had a total of 88,194 infections. Media reports said that Iran may soon announce whether to extend the curfew measures during Ramadan. Earlier, Supreme Leader Khamenei had stated that large-scale gatherings would be banned during Ramadan.

  In Latin America, as of the 23rd, the cumulative number of confirmed cases has exceeded 135,000 cases. The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean recently predicted that exports from Latin America and the Caribbean will decline by 15% in 2020. It is reported that Latin America has adopted restrictive measures for epidemic prevention and the reduction of external demand is the main reason for the decline in trade, of which the export of agricultural products and commodities fell the most. (Finish)