Paris (AFP)

New assessments, new measures, highlights: an update on the latest developments in the Covid-19 pandemic, which killed more than 193,000 people worldwide.

- A gloomy Ramadan -

Hundreds of millions of Muslims began a month of containment on Ramadan on Friday. The mosques must keep closed doors and iftar, the daily meal of breaking of the fast cannot be shared as is the custom in family or between neighbors.

Many countries and private economic actors have committed themselves to mobilize alongside the World Health Organization to accelerate the production of vaccines, treatments and diagnostic tests and ensure equitable access to them.

- More than 193,000 dead worldwide -

The pandemic has killed at least 193,930 people worldwide since its onset in December in China, according to an assessment by AFP from official sources Friday at 19:00 GMT.

More than 2,770,750 cases have been diagnosed in 193 countries and territories.

The United States is the most affected country in terms of both death and case numbers, with 51,017 deaths for more than 890,000 cases. Italy follows with 25,969 dead, Spain (22,524), France (22,245) and the United Kingdom (19,506).

- Economic impact -

Gross domestic product in the United States is expected to fall by around 12% in the second quarter and the unemployment rate is expected to climb to almost 14%, according to estimates released by an independent agency.

For its part, Italy forecasts a public deficit at 10.4% of GDP and a debt at 155.7% in 2020.

In Russia, the Central Bank expects GDP to fall by up to 6% in 2020 due to the new coronavirus and the fall in oil prices.

- Help -

President Donald Trump has enacted a nearly $ 500 billion new aid plan to support American businesses and hospitals. He also announced that the United States would sell artificial respirators to at least four developing countries (Indonesia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Honduras).

Air France will receive € 7 billion in bank loans from the French state. Around 5 billion euros in state guaranteed bank loans are being studied for the car manufacturer Renault.

The Dutch government promises 2 to 4 billion euros to help the airline KLM.

The International Monetary Fund announced Friday that it would provide $ 309 million in emergency aid to Mozambique to help fight the pandemic.

Mexico, the United States and Canada are preparing a plan to restart the automobile industry, a vital sector for the Latin American country, and to be stopped due to the coronavirus pandemic, announced the Mexican government.

- Restrictions, reinforced or lightened -

The Czech government has eased its restrictions further, announcing the opening of borders to business travel from the European Union.

Israel has approved further relief, conditionally allowing the opening of many businesses, including restaurants and cafes.

Algeria, Tunisia and Libya have announced the reduction of curfews for the month of Ramadan. In Morocco, on the other hand, a night curfew is implemented throughout the month.

Shops and schools will reopen very gradually from May 11 and 18 respectively in Belgium.

Paraguay has extended until May 3, inclusive, the "strict" containment measures.

- Corruption -

Judicial investigations have been opened in Colombia against the Minister of Agriculture Rodolfo Enrique Zea as well as four governors and 41 municipal officials for alleged corruption in the management of funds intended for the fight against the coronavirus pandemic, the prosecution announced on Friday.

- Germany anticipates a second wave -

In Berlin, a 1,000-bed hospital is being built by the military.

There is a "fundamental danger" that infections will restart "if all restrictive measures are removed early," said an official at the Robert Koch Institute, responsible for disease control.

- Trump and the disinfectant -

Donald Trump said his remarks about possible injections of disinfectant to fight the coronavirus, which caused consternation in the scientific community, were "sarcastic".

His spokesperson had earlier stressed that the president's words had been "taken out of context".

- Travel -

Tourism ministers from G20 countries pledged on Friday to lessen the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on world tourism, one of the most affected sectors with millions of jobs at risk.

- Native -

Several indigenous chiefs of Amazonia called Friday for international aid in the face of the absence of structures, notably medical, which makes them vulnerable to the new coronavirus, and warned of a risk of "ethnocide", of disappearance of their communities.

- Polish Presidential -

The Polish health minister, who is a cardiologist, said on Friday that postponing the presidential election scheduled for May until 2022 would be "the only safe option" given the new coronavirus pandemic.

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