• In the US over 43 thousand victims and Trump closes the doors on immigrants
  • Coronavirus. New York Times: "At least 7,000 deaths in retirement homes in the US"
  • Usa: over 33,000 victims, Trump plans to reopen America in three stages. Controversy with governors


April 22, 2020
Donald Trump suspends immigration to the United States for 60 days, effectively freezing green cards but continuing to allow time workers who have a non-immigrant visa to enter the country. The unprecedented announcement of the American president comes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns against a second wave of coronavirus that is likely to be devastating and the Us National Institutes of Health advises Covid-19 patients not to cure themselves with the mix of medicines indicated by the president. The decision to suspend immigration is rooted in America First's policy and is based on an economic rationale: "We will help unemployed Americans by putting them on the front lines" to hunt down a job, Trump says. "It would be wrong to replace them with immigrants arriving from abroad," adds the president, warning that any changes to the measure will depend "on the economic conditions of the country" in 60 days. "We want to protect American workers": the suspension "will also help us preserve vital medical resources," adds Trump explaining how the entry ban will not apply to seasonal farm workers. Trump's tightening on immigration comes as coronavirus cases in the United States have exceeded 824,000 and nearly 45,000 have died, including 2,700 in the past 24 hours. Despite this, many American states are preparing to open. "There are 20" who have already announced plans to reopen in "safety", says Trump who hopefully says: "I see a light at the bottom of the tunnel. I see a lot of light at the bottom of the tunnel". "The Americans - he adds - want to go back to work".

The alert, however, is already high: even in the face of staggered opening, the risk is that there will be a jump in the cases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warns of a possible second wave in winter that could be worse than the current one, adding up with the flu season. In the meantime, the US National Institutes of Health warns coronavirus patients: do not use the mix of medicines indicated by Trump as a possible remedy. In fact, in one study, the institute indicated that the mix of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychlorine and the antibiotic azithromycin could be toxic, that is, cause many side effects including poisoning.