• Catalonia. Badalona mayor arrested for drunk driving and assaulting the police

The mayor of Badalona , Álex Pastor, has resigned from the Mayor's Office after he was arrested last night by the Mossos d'Esquadra for attacking the authority for confronting the agents who intercepted him, skipping the confinement and driving with symptoms of drunkenness.

This was announced by the fourth deputy mayor, Rubén Guijarro, at a press conference called urgently and in which he explained that Pastor, who is still detained at the Les Corts police station in Barcelona, ​​has made his decision public through from a signed letter that your attorney has forwarded.

The now former mayor of Badalona, ​​whom the PSC suspended from militancy and urged him to resign from all his public positions, was detained on Tuesday in the center of the Catalan capital, after agents verified that his vehicle was circulating doing eses. When he got out of the car, Pastor told the Mossos that he was "the mayor of Badalona", that "they did not know who they were talking to" and even gave them a document on PSC letterhead. He also actively resisted arrest and injured an agent in the arm.

In a letter that his lawyer has addressed to the City Council while he remains in custody accused of resisting authority and refusing to submit to the alcohol test, Pastor affirms that he has "resented the more personal and family side because of the number of hours" dedicated to the Mayor's Office.

"It has affected my health and my emotional state, which has led me to do things that I regret," he says in the letter that the PSC spokesman at the Consistory, Rubén Guijarro, has read in an emergency appearance. "These are circumstances incompatible with the exercise of a public office," Guijarro has sentenced. The PSC struck the former mayor last night with a statement announcing that he was suspending him from militancy and demanding that he abandon his responsibilities immediately. Pastor was off for a month between January and February. It was alleged that he had suffered from coronary problems.

The deputy mayor of the commons, Aïda Llauradó, becomes accidental mayor as a result of Pastor's resignation. In the midst of the crisis unleashed by the coronavirus and with the priorities far from political disputes, Badalona throws himself into a new uncertain investiture. The PP, the first political force in the City Council, has proposed a censure motion that returns Xavier García Albiol to command, which he lost in 2015; in turn, the former sovereign mayor Dolors Sabater has once again proposed a unity government under her leadership that isolates the popular.

The government of the PSC and the commons today has avoided clarifying which candidate he will propose to succeed Pastor, or whether he is open to agreeing with other forces to stay in charge of the municipal executive. The accidental mayor has demanded that the opposition parties work "in the most unitary way possible" with the current municipal bipartite to confront the recession caused by the health alarm.

"This is not the time to talk about personalities. We reach out to all the parties, we all have to talk and talk about the solution that will give us stability," Llauradó said, calling on Albiol to put aside the motion request. of censorship and "help to get ahead" amid the decline caused by the coronavirus.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Badalona
  • PSC

Events The Mayor of Badalona arrested for drunk driving and assaulting the police

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