His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the State, has issued the release of 1511 inmates from correctional and punitive establishments who have been sentenced in various cases, and His Highness guarantees the payment of financial fines, on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan.

This lofty miracle comes from His Highness the President of the State, within the framework of the humanitarian initiatives of the UAE, which are based on the values ​​of amnesty and tolerance, and to give inmates of correctional and punitive establishments the opportunity to change for the better and start again in positive participation in life, in a manner that reflects on their families and society.

Every year, His Highness the President of the State is keen to pardon a group of correctional and punitive inmates in the blessed month of Ramadan, to enhance family ties and bring happiness and pleasure to the hearts of mothers and children, and to give inmates an opportunity to take advantage of this holy month to rethink their future and return to the path that guarantees They have a successful social and professional life.