China News Service, April 21, according to Reuters, Queen Elizabeth II celebrated her 94th birthday on the 21st. Some celebrations have been cancelled due to the current British embargo due to the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

On April 5, local time, Queen Elizabeth of the United Kingdom delivered a televised speech to the British people, encouraging the people to "unite and be firm" and "success" in the fight against the New Crown Virus epidemic.

  Royal family members usually have salute celebrations on their birthdays and anniversaries, but Elizabeth II believes that this is not appropriate in view of the current situation, so this year's salute salute was cancelled.

  According to the latest official data, about 16,000 British people died in hospital after being infected with the new coronavirus. The UK has entered its fourth week of blockade, most businesses are closed, and people are ordered to stay at home.

  Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip currently live in Windsor Castle in West London. On April 5, Elizabeth II made his first Easter speech to encourage the public and stated that "the new crown virus cannot defeat us" and "light will eventually defeat darkness." On April 20th, Prince Philip issued a statement thanking those who contributed to the fight against the new coronary pneumonia epidemic.

  Elizabeth II was enthroned in 1952 and became the longest reigning monarch in the UK in September 2015.

  Elizabeth II ’s birthday was on April 21st, but due to the poor weather in London in April, the British royal family set the Queen ’s official birthday celebration in June. Usually, the Queen will celebrate her birthday with her family and friends in April; and a grand public celebration will be held in June. Buckingham Palace said in March that due to restrictions on social gatherings, the parade to celebrate the Queen ’s official birthday, which is usually held in June, will not take place in the traditional way.