France has surpassed the 20,000 coronavirus death mark on Monday evening, while the number of hospitalizations and resuscitation is still falling. As a result of a global economy at a standstill, the price of a barrel of oil listed in New York has dropped below zero dollars. Follow the situation live.


France counts 20,265 coronavirus deaths Monday evening, including 12,513 in hospitals, and 7,752 in social and medico-social establishments. But, glimmer of hope, the number of hospitalizations and resuscitations are once again on the decline. Italy recorded Monday evening the first decrease in the number of coronavirus patients on its territory. Economically speaking, a barrel of oil quoted in New York for delivery in May reached an all-time low below zero dollars. Follow the situation live.

The main information to remember:

  • In France, the coronavirus epidemic has claimed 20,265 lives, hospitalizations and resuscitation are still declining 
  • The number of patients drops for the first time in Italy
  • The price of a barrel listed in New York fell below zero dollars on Monday

More than 20,000 deaths in France, hospitalizations and resuscitation down slightly

Monday evening, Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon announced that France has crossed the milestone of 20,000 coronavirus deaths, "a symbolic and particularly painful milestone". In detail, France has 20,265 deaths (547 more in 24 hours) including 12,513 in hospitals, and 7,752 in social and medico-social establishments. "Far from over, the Covid-19 pandemic killed more than the heat wave of 2003, which left 19,000 dead," according to number two of the Ministry of Health. ">

Jérôme Salomon also indicated that 30,584 people are currently hospitalized because of the coronavirus this Monday evening, or 26 less since the last count. Similarly, the number of resuscitations is decreasing with 61 fewer patients, for a total of 5,863 people. If this statistic has been evolving favorably for 12 days now, "we are still at a level much higher than the resuscitation capacities in France before the epidemic", he pointed out. France had 5,000 beds in these services before the crisis. 


> Can France hope for a more favorable scenario than Italy? 

> Are women and people with blood type O more resistant? 

> Are certain serious forms linked to a genetic factor? 

> How will the distribution of masks take place in France? 

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In New York, you pay to sell your oil

As a result of the almost complete shutdown of the world economy, the price of a barrel of oil quoted in New York for delivery in May experienced a historic drop to reach -37.63 dollars. Investors are desperate to get rid of their "black gold" in a saturated market and are ready to pay to find a taker. A new phenomenon that Europe 1 analyzes and deciphers in this article

More than 160,000 deaths worldwide, Italy sees its number of patients declining

The number of patients suffering from coronavirus fell for the first time in Italy, according to the official balance sheet, passing to 108,237, that is to say twenty patients less than the day before. But the "Boot" remains the most affected country on the continent with 24,114 deaths, ahead of Spain (20,852) and the United Kingdom (16,509). Europe now has a million cases for more than 100,000 deaths, making it the continent that is paying the heaviest price for the pandemic. Across the Atlantic, the United States is the most bereaved and most infected country with 40,931 deaths for 766,212 cases. 

>> PODCAST -  Coronavirus: find all the answers to your questions here

Worldwide, Covid-19 has killed at least 167,594 people, while more than 2,437,170 cases of infection have been officially diagnosed in 193 countries and territories since the start of the epidemic. However, this number of diagnosed cases only reflects a fraction of the actual number of infections, with a large number of countries only testing cases requiring hospital treatment. Among these cases, at least 545,400 are now considered cured. Since the count made the day before, 3,667 new deaths and 73,979 new cases have been recorded around the globe.