Major countries surrounding the Korean Peninsula are keen on the ideals of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un's health.

In particular, Kim's media reports and the contradictory reports that are different from the facts are mixed, which is causing a confusion.

US CNN broadcasts cited US officials as saying the US government is watching information that Kim is in serious danger after surgery.

The Bloomberg news agency also said the US government is getting details of Kim's critical condition after undergoing cardiovascular surgery last week, and is trying to figure out the details, but he is not sure of Kim's current status.

This foreign report is similar to that reported by DailyNK, a North Korean media outlet, that Kim had undergone a cardiovascular procedure on the 12th.

Chairman Kim has been absent from the Sun's birthday, the first birthday of President Kim Il-sung since taking office on the 15th, and is creating a health ideology.

On the other hand, evaluations by countries that refute the theory of theory and other foreign reports that convey it are also following.

Reuters reported that a "authorized" source familiar with the US government's internal reports on North Korea said, "I questioned the CNN report that Chairman Kim is serious."

Officials from the Chinese Communist Party's Foreign Relations Department, who asked for anonymity, also told Reuters they know that Kim is not currently at risk.

A spokesman for the Blue House spokesman Kang Min-seok said in a message to reporters, "Until now, no specific trend has been identified inside North Korea."

(Photo = Chosun Central TV capture, Yonhap News)